Living for the Kingdom: Teaching What Jesus Taught

After Jesus had appeared to His 11 disciples, He commissioned them to make disciples of all nations and to teach them to observe everything He commanded them. A disciple is a student of Jesus’ teachings. As disciples obey Jesus’ commands, they live as lights in the world to reveal the glory of God.

I wrote Living for the Kingdom: Teaching What Jesus Taught to fulfill Jesus’ Great Commission in Matthew 28:18–20. This book serves as a study guide with 115 lessons that outline Jesus’ commands throughout the four Gospels.

Making disciples is the greatest mission mankind has ever received. As disciples, we have the honor of serving as Jesus’ ambassadors. We display the all-surpassing power and glory of God through our lives and good works. With such an important mission, I pray this book will prepare you to fulfill the plan and purpose God has for your life.

