Hamp Lee III is a member of the United States Air Force and ordained minister. He is one course from earning his Master of Divinity degree. In addition to being Commission Publishing’s founder and CEO, he is also the lead pastor of Village Hills Fellowship. He lives in Prattville with his wife Yolanda, and their three children.

Spiritual Birth: April 27, 1997

Accepted Call to Ministry: January 19, 1998

Current Bible: King James Bible

Education: B.S. in Information Systems Management, University of Maryland University College. Currently pursuing a Master of Divinity degree from Amridge University.

Favorite Book (besides Bible): Crazy Love by Francis Chan

Most Memorable Experience (besides Salvation): Watching the birth of my daughter

Hobbies: Drawing, Writing, Computer Graphics, and Photography

Current Profession: United States Air Force (CMSgt/E-9)

Favorite Foods: Chimichangas, my Grandfather’s ribs, and Grandmother’s Sock-It-To-Me cake

Most Memorable Christian Experience: Tres Dias

Most Influential People: Grandparents, Hamp Lee Sr. and Alberta Lee, and Father, Amir Azmar

Someone needs to hear your story. You need to hear someone’s story.