Can You Spare a Few Minutes?: Making Marriage A Priority

When I asked my girlfriend to marry me in 1996, I was ill-prepared to be a husband. I was not mentally, emotionally, financially, or spiritually ready to live with another person. I could barely manage my own life. But there I was, asking one of the most important questions of my life. Though I knew God ordained our marriage, there were many things we could have learned about ourselves before making such an important decision. And because I did not spare a few extra minutes, we found ourselves on the brink of divorce just a few years into our union.

I wrote Can You Spare a Few Minutes?: Making Marriage a Priority to share a testimony of God’s love and grace through our years of marriage. There are so many things I wish I could have told that young man kneeling before his girlfriend so many years ago. I learned so many lessons the hard way. But I cannot go back. I can only look to the future and share our experiences with you, hoping you will avoid some of our mistakes. No matter where you might be in your marriage, I pray Can You Spare a Few Minutes?: Making Marriage a Priority will be a blessing to you and your marriage. I pray your marriage before God and others will reflect His love and commitment to us. Amen.


